Gee Ndlovu My love and passion for nature started over 20 years ago when I lived in the beautiful resort town of Victoria Falls. My guiding career started in 2007 through researching, reading and learning more about the environment and the importance of conservation. I use all my knowledge and skills acquired as a safari guide in Southern and east Africa to facilitate a deeper and unique understanding of the natural world for guests, clients or travellers. Not only to take photos but to have a clear understanding of the environment and the attractions. Sunway provides a very excellent base for a Safari guide to grow in the industry in every area. I’m approachable, knowledgeable, professional, attentive, respectful and willing to learn more. I also extend my passion, love and enthusiasm towards flora and fauna to each and every individual that I rub shoulders with. Safety, courtesy and efficiency come first to me as a safari guide.

ZIMBABWE & BOTSWANA GAME TRAIL : "I’ve met many local leaders but these two really worked as a team with non stop cheerfulness and patience. They took the time to get to know their group and treated us all as individuals. Never late, never grumpy…honestly the best local guides I’ve had!.
These two were superlative. Gee cooked and it was nutritional, fresh and tasty. Some local dishes and some more traditional camp food but always interesting and strict hygiene protocols." Penelope, UK

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