Giants of the Kruger National Park

Sunway Kruger Elephants Adolf  1 smallThe Kruger National Park is arguably the most popular national park in Southern Africa, it is home to thousands of elephants and on this day of our Walking South Africa JJa14 tour, we saw, in my (Adolf) opinion , most of them! Maybe that is an exaggeration, but our game drive that lasted 8 hours was full of elephant sightings, herds with babies, lone males roaming around, bachelors having a bit of a play fight, there where elephants around each and every corner.

Read more: Giants of the Kruger National Park

Sunsets of Botswana

Sunset 1 smallAfter many years of guiding tours in Botswana it is truly amazing how many pictures one takes and of those how many are sunset shots. Looking through the image gallery we have at Sunway Safaris I have chosen just a few for you all to marvel at. 

Read more: Sunsets of Botswana